Auto-upgrading the distributed setup
To upgrade the distributed setup of EventLog Analyzer, carry out the steps given below.
- Apply the service pack only to the admin server.
- The admin server will auto-upgrade the reporting managed servers, and the managed servers will automatically update the agents in use.
- The Auto-Upgrade Managed Servers toggle will be enabled by default. Disabling the toggle will disable auto-upgrade of all managed servers by the admin server.
- If the option is disabled, each managed server can be upgraded manually by clicking the Upgrade now option against each managed server.

Resolving upgrade failures
When the Admin server is upgraded through a service pack, all its managed servers will be automatically upgraded by default. A backup storage space check is conducted on the managed servers before applying the service pack. This is to ensure that there is enough storage space to accommodate the backup files of the existing system. If the managed server does not have sufficient backup storage space, a resolve button is shown. Using the Resolve option, users can skip or retry backup.

Here are possible reasons for upgrade failure
Upgrade failure due to insufficient space for backup in Managed server.
- PostgreSQL
- No space for database backup.
- No space for config files and database backup.
- No space for config files backup.
- No space for database files backup.
- No space for config files and database backup.
The resolve option allows you to perform two actions in case of upgrade failure.
Continue without backup: Choosing this option will skip backup and proceed with the upgrade (not recommended). Please make sure to take a backup of the managed server and upgrade.
Retry backup and upgrade: Retries upgrade by taking backup first.
Note: EventLog Analyzer does not support auto backup for MySQL database. We suggest taking a backup manually before the upgrade.
Other possible reasons for upgrade failure include runtime errors, such as failure to compress the files, and read and write errors.

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